In the busy everyday hustle and bustle many people often take for granted how much they rely on their bodies on a daily basis and the importance of good health. It is important to realise that without good health, life loses its quality and it becomes difficult to cope with existing health issues.  Graham Anderson, CEO and Principal Officer of Profmed says making your health a priority means taking the next step in ensuring you lead a positive and rewarding lifestyle.

April marks Health Awareness Month in South Africa. This month brings to the forefront the importance of knowing your health status and being proactive in ensuring good health. Illnesses such as autism, haemophilia, malaria and the importance of vaccinations are highlighted during this month and recognised on separate days. These days signify opportunities to encourage, support and create awareness and education around these conditions.

Anderson suggests “Visiting your General Practitioner (GP) once or twice a year is crucial in ensuring your body is performing at its peak. Regular health check-ups and tests can help find problems before they start. They also can help detect illnesses during early stages, when your chances of treatment and recovery are high. These tests involve blood pressure, heart activity, cholesterol, diabetes and other extensive screenings for cancers.”

“While some factors may be attributed to genetics, others depend on age – a large part depends on lifestyle choices. For example, what you eat, how active you are and whether you smoke or consume alcohol excessively, is crucial. These important factors impact what and how often you need healthcare. It is vital to acknowledge that prevention is better than cure and everything is good within limits,” adds Anderson.

Not only in this month, but all year round everyone should prioritise getting the right care, screenings, and treatments and taking the steps that help your chances of living a longer, healthier life. “Use this month to educate yourself on the several common illnesses people suffer from in SA and get yourself cleared by seeing your doctor,” concludes Anderson.


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